Friday, May 30, 2014


The world of things is made more consumable for those looking for relief through a story. The present set of facts, though, is not the same as a printed version of what is happening. First, the medium and the product are different. And this can only be seen though concrete examples. However, those examples cannot be shown without first establishing that what is being considered now has some importance for interpretation.

First, a story is a narrative of events, where the author has taken what has happened and put them into a series of related points. This is important because it shows the author's view of coherence, which tells us how the author has taken the facts and put them into his story. This coherence further shows the way the author should be taken. The weight of interpretation, then, has shifted toward the author rather than the text.

The intention of the author is open on the page through the coherence he has presented. In this way, one reads the author rather than the story of events. However, this view does not shut out what is been told. It is not so much as finding the author in the text as allowing the author to present his method of coherence or how the source of his story is a way the author shows his will in finding coherence through what he wrote.

This orientation can take a text as the author's way of coherence, which is a process that uncovers the text he wrote. This does not show up as direct comments of the author's purpose, although it could be there, but the method of holding the mirror up to the text so to speak is done by taking the unique intention of the author and using it to shed light on the text. The method is reading for the intention to apply it to the text for insight.

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