Tuesday, March 27, 2018

No Idea

    The idea that you spend a whole season with one particular author seems tiresome. You must work with the material for several months without having a chance to change your current assignment. I have chosen John Donne, for example, but I have not kept up with him, since I have bought other books, which now collect dust on the stacks of other unread books. Maybe they would serve as a prop for the John Donne book that I got by mail, if I was not so committed to writing about him.

   Briefly, you would like to work with your chosen material, but you have no plan as to how to make the best use of your chosen author. One way of escape is to read a biography about your chosen author. With so much info out there, you would not have any great problem finding something to read about your author of choice, unless the biographical information is not there. Otherwise, you stick to your given material, until you find something of use. Then you have a least some idea.

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