Saturday, March 31, 2018

on Influence as a Tree in the wild wild Garden (ITG)

    Let's say that there is an influence that we experience, but let's also say that there is a type of influence that is left off to others, to do as they please with it, which influence could be seen as a tree that drops off its fruit, so others can eat of them. The fruit of our efforts are those who also see themselves as influencers, who are the audience of those who choose to eat of the fruit that the influencer produces. So what is produced from those influencers, or those who show a lot of influence, then becomes that which is eaten by those who value those influences, since their influence is not just one but many. So, influence as a tree, where the tree is the one who influences, is a metaphor for how the tree interacts with its influence environment. How does this work?

    Next, the fruit from the tree is that which shows how influential a particular tree is. But growth for the tree occurs regardless if it does or does not produce fruit. How influence works is that the tree grows by absorbing rainwater and things like that but to hold on to influence, the tree must interact with other influences that it has interacted with beforehand for growth to occur. I have avoided personal pronouns up to this point but let's classify the tree as male as the Germans do. So, the tree is an abstract characterization, until you characterize the above as a person who has the necessary background to fill in the above abstraction. And I could have chosen something like the earth, which is female because of the definite article of the substantive, but I am feeling male today.

   Thus, he who has grown as a result of his influence experience will want to have his fruit fed back to him, but the result is that of loss rather than gain. And the loss comes in when he finds out that those who have eaten of his fruits will not return them back in the same way that he has produced them. Rather those who have eaten from him will spit out his seeds while digesting his work. But there is also a gardener or gardeners, if you will the tree's audience, who will only care for his fruit and not for his growth. So, the gardeners care for the tree only in so far as he produces fruit, which will only come about if he chooses to digest what the gardener(s) has(have) given to him.

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