Saturday, April 7, 2018

Student of Bloom

The following was taken from a madman's diary and edited for the sake of sanity:

    You have Hamlet, who is change incarnate, while Falstaff is the Blessing, so all other characters are manifestations of these two characters. That is, all other personages from Shakespeare can be explained from these two characters. So you have all other characters that are explained from Hamlet and Falstaff. You would find evidence of the above from the plays/ poems of Shakespeare. So if you have Iago, who is willing to put Othello to death because he was not a true military personage. Iago changes his stance towards Othello because of his relationship to Desdemona, who leaves behind a piece of cloth, which Iago uses to frame her for her infidelity. So Iago can be discussed in terms of Hamlet.

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