Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Those who speak when they should instead be

    What is ASMR?  You might have seen people tap away on tables, or they might have whistled, while they played Frisbee in your neighbor's yard. All of these activities show that those persons, who have expressed such outbursts, wanted to release their nervous energy through those common habits that you see through your daily life. So, ASMR is the feeling you get when you have the same intention as your nervous partner.  I say nervous, not that they cannot settle down, but rather for those whose intentions are to express an ASMR towards their listener, they would want to generate such sounds by being distracted from their surroundings. Where can one find ASMR?

    These intentional sounds are usually published through media found in app stores or websites where such media is housed. You could find all sorts of activities, where there are artists who focus intently on one particular aspect such as eating or drinking. These are the noises that should relax you, if you trust the artist and basically stop thinking, so that you are under the control of the artists who preform ASMR, an acronym meaning you feel good inside after someone makes some soothing noises. The resistance comes in when what you are experiencing is outside of the range of decorum.

    Training to experience responses from those who are willing to focus all of their energy on generating audio to put you to sleep, so that you are no longer racing with psychobabble, but rather are being treated as a patient under the care of a physician is hard because you need to focus on being in a meditative state of being, which requires some practice. But the best way is to just to watch and learn as you discover not methods, but rather the intention to trust those ASMR artists.

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