Perhaps one example wouldn’t show that the whole Anglish
project is inconsistent but just that some patch work may result. The use of
Norse-derived third person pronouns (they, them) would not stop a user of
Anglish committed to a broader Germanic wordstock (ON as well as OE). The
‘abbey’ example would just show the need to use strict OE sources for those who
want a ‘pure’ tung. These potential counter moves just show that ‘weak’
Anglish, where just the majority of word usage would be Germanic but also
include Late Latin words before the 12th century, is potentially
Esperanto could not be charged with this same inconsistency
because of its nature to embrace different sources for its vocabulary. Also one
could speak about Esperanto grammar, while Anglish just follows English usage.
So a finished product used in the language marketplace cannot compare with one
still being worked out. Also Esperanto can stand apart from the languages from
where it got its vocabulary but Anglish would just be consisted a dialect of
English much like Scots. So even if both are constructed languages, they have differences
that put them in different categories.